Supply Chain Management

Yonex Supplier Sustainability Guidelines

We adopted the "Yonex Supplier Sustainability Guidelines" to show our approach and commitment to sustainability and expect our suppliers to address initiatives such as compliance with laws and regulations, respect for human rights, health and safety, environmental considerations, and others.
The guidelines are notified to suppliers around the world in Japanese, English, and Chinese to request that they comply with the guidelines and take appropriate measures.
By sharing a common understanding of sustainability with our suppliers and promoting initiatives, we hope to achieve sustainability together throughout the supply chain.

Yonex Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire(SAQ)

We started to conduct “Yonex Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire” * in 2022 to track how our suppliers comply with the “Yonex Supplier Sustainability Guidelines” and to identify issues in our supply chain.
We strive to build a sustainable supply chain by working together with our suppliers to improve the issues identified by this survey.

* Yonex Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire(SAQ):
  Our original questionnaire, based on Yonex Supplier Guidelines

Surveyed Suppliers

In 2022, we asked 451 suppliers and got responses from 78.7%.

Question Categories

In addition to asking for their basic information, the questionnaire consists of 111 questions in the following categories based on the “Yonex Supplier Sustainability Guidelines.”

Category Example
Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Respect for International Codes of Conduct System to check whether the supplier meets the standards required by laws and regulations
Human Rights and Labor Prohibition of forced labor and child labor
Prohibition of harassment and discrimination
Health and Safety Ensuring health and safety in workplaces
Prevention of work-related accidents
Environment Responding to climate change (Reduction of CO2 etc.)
Pollution prevention and chemicals/waste management
Ethics Prevention of corruption
Whistle-blowing system
Sustainable Sourcing Minerals sourcing (Conflict minerals)
Animal welfare

Initiatives for improvement

As a next step, we will inform all surveyed suppliers of overall feedback and promote communication with individual suppliers.

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